New Alternatives primarily assists LGBTQ+ youth and young adults who are 16–30 years of age and homeless or at risk. We define homelessness broadly to include living on the street, staying in a shelter or with a transitional living program, or lacking permanent housing. If you are in need of assistance, please review the information below and contact us.
New clients are accepted on a walk-in basis every weekday and Sunday at the hours listed below. We are located in Metro Baptist Church at 410 West 40th Street, New York, NY 10018 and welcome all youth as they are without judgment and no barriers to entry. Identification and paperwork are not required for registration, and a referral letter is not necessary. We will provide verification of attendance upon request.
Monday: Case Management
(12:00–6:00 PM)
Tuesday: Case Management
(12:00–6:00 PM)
Wednesday: Case Management
(12:00–6:00 PM)
Thursday: Case Management
(12:00–6:00 PM)
Friday: Case Management
(12:00–6:00 PM)
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Dinner & Life Skills Group
(5:00–8:00 PM)

Sunday Community Dinners
If you are looking for a homemade meal and a safe space to spend a few hours with your peers, our weekly dinners are the place to be. We open our doors every Sunday at 5:00pm and welcome all of our clients to join us for food, fun, and discussion. We also distribute clothing and hygiene supplies during the meal service so that you have basics necessities for self-care.
Following each community dinner, we host an engaging and informative life skills group that will help you develop the resources and knowledge you need to succeed. Whether the topic is HIV prevention, nutrition, anger management, or conflict resolution, our discussions are always relevant and essential.
Client Groups
Book Club: Sunday at 4:00 PM
Life Skills: Sunday at 7:00 PM
HIV Peer Support: Contact Kate Barnhart
Case Management
Our case management clinic offers assistance to our clients with any challenges or obstacles they may face. Simply walk in! We are here to help you with housing, benefits, identification, health issues, mental health, education, and employment. We also offer supportive counseling and crisis intervention.
Testing and Prevention
New Alternatives partners with Project Stay to provide HIV and STI testing during our Sunday evening programs. Clients who test positive or who need other sexual health services, such as PrEP or PEP, can follow up at the Project Stay clinic at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. In addition, we offer a peer support group for HIV+ youth and prevention education on a regular basis. Condoms, female condoms, and lube are available to our clients at all times.